City Know-hows

Comparing worldwide health and wellbeing across six cities in three continents

Target audience

City planners, local councils, general public, environmental psychology researchers

The problem

Much of the current public health and environmental psychology research regarding health and wellbeing is geographically restrained and unable to make direct cross-cultural comparisons between populations.

What we did and why

We attempted to apply a standardised framework of analysis in order to compare health and wellbeing metrics between adults in Europe, Africa and South East Asia in order to understand any health and wellbeing differences between geographically, socially and economically diverse cities.

Our study’s contribution

This study indicates regional differences in subjective stress and wellbeing and the impact that both green and public spaces may have on these metrics. It adds a direct cross-cultural examination previously somewhat lacking in the literature.

Impacts for city policy and practice

This research addresses the impact of different types of urban space on health and wellbeing across various global cities, as well as understanding specific local issues that may mediate these effects. Our approach provides a solid base for future cross-cultural research using mixed methods and a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding environmental impacts on human health.

Further information

Chris Neale, Mònica Coll Besa, Sarah Dickin, Vanessa Hongsathavij, Piret Kuldna, Cassilde Muhoza (@cassildemuhoza), Pin Pravalprukskul, & Steve Cinderby (@s_cinderby_SEI)

Full research article:

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