City Know-hows

Neighbourhood green spaces and wellbeing among universities students in England during the COVID-19 pandemic

University of Southampton

The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and the switch to online learning impacted the life of university students. We looked at wellbeing in relation to use of greenspaces during the 3rd ‘lockdown’ in England.


Target audience

City neighbourhood planners, general population, university community health committees, and university students.

The problem

Pre-pandemic, university students were identified as a group with low levels of wellbeing. The pandemic forced universities to pivot to online education, limit access to campus, and restrict socialization within campus accommodations, creating a situation furthering the risk of lower wellbeing. While well-designed healthy neighbourhoods can have important impacts on the health and wellbeing of residents, particularly through greenspaces, little is known about wellbeing in relation to greenspace during the pandemic among university students.

What we did and why

We aimed to document wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions among university students in England in relation to use of outdoor greenspace. To this effect, in April-May 2021, during the third ‘lockdown’ in England, we ran an online questionnaire study across 4 universities. Our aim is to contribute to the existing body of literature on outdoor greenspace and wellbeing, in support of neighbourhood public green planning.

Our study’s contribution

Our findings show that:

  • Compared to pre-pandemic averages, students 18-34 reported significantly lower wellbeing
  • No sex-based differences were identified in mental wellbeing
  • Access to quality greenspaces appears to be more important for wellbeing than quantity of greenspaces
  • Greenspace quality was a significant predictor of positive mental wellbeing above and beyond physical activity and social connectedness

Impacts for city policy and practice

Neighbourhoods (and university campuses) would benefit from continual green access planning. Emphasis should be placed on quality of greenspaces, these health-oriented environments confer mental wellbeing benefits and should be encouraged.

Further information

Universities UK mental wellbeing framework: “StepChange: Mentally healthy universities” 

Full research article:

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