Case Study Mockup: Creating a Pedestrianized Network to Support a Childrens Hospital in Nicosia
On this webpage, follow the Bötzowviertel case, a neighborhood streetscape analysis with pedestrian solutions.
On this webpage, follow the Bötzowviertel case, a neighborhood streetscape analysis with pedestrian solutions.
On this webpage, follow the Bötzowviertel case, a neighborhood streetscape analysis with pedestrian solutions.
On this webpage, follow the Bötzowviertel case, a neighborhood streetscape analysis with pedestrian solutions.
City makers need to stop making cities for ‘normal’ circumstances. Cities are liveable only when they can respond and reflect on and learn from disruptions and consequently adapt and change.City makers, policy makers
The study investigates critical issues and strategies for the regeneration and valorisation of small historical villages through interviews with opinion leaders. The debate is strengthened by the analysis of scientific literature and concrete cases in Italy.
Age-Friendly Communities improve the elderly’s well-being in Pune, through better healthcare, transport, & housing. It is vital to develop age-friendly communities in urban areas.
The study by collecting data from a sample in a developing and rapidly urbanizing country in South Asia highlighted the importance of green space interventions to promote urban dwellers’ contact with urban green spaces and physical activity levels. Moreover, it highlighted differences in urban green space usage behaviours based on differences in sociodemographic characteristics, suggesting the necessity to target certain sub-population groups more than others.
Urban greening interventions have been shown to increase the climate resilience of our cities and improve the health outcomes of residents. How can we use open data to target these interventions more effectively and maximise the benefits of increased greening?
Our cross-sectional study of 272 neighbourhoods of thirteen cities shows that diverse physical and social attributes of neighbourhoods influence mental well-being of the citizens in the Asia and Africa.
I use the travelogue methodology to investigate urban health and sustainable development in relation to the Mekong River in northeastern Thailand, revealing new insights and bringing travel to urban areas near the river into knowledge production.