The answer is ‘runnable’ cities!
The ‘runnability of cities’ as a novel spatial planning approach can enhance healthier and more enabling environments for everyone.
The ‘runnability of cities’ as a novel spatial planning approach can enhance healthier and more enabling environments for everyone.
I use the travelogue methodology to investigate urban health and sustainable development in relation to the Mekong River in northeastern Thailand, revealing new insights and bringing travel to urban areas near the river into knowledge production.
Belfast has very high levels of car use. Working with stakeholders we tried to understand what factors influence this. System wide factors, such as financial models for transport, a collective car-orientated mindset and car dominated road infrastructure, have the strongest influence on individual behaviour.
To create healthy urban places and spaces, public acceptance is key to success.
Seven key urban health policy ideas were found in the planning of Sydney’s Western Parkland City that draw upon different ontological perspectives. This case study prompts policy actors and researchers to reflect on their own assumptions, and others’ underlying assumptions to better understand where and how collaborations should occur.
How do people conceptualize pathogen transmission risk in cities using visible cues?
Our study analyzes the impact of COVID-19 on Hong Kong’s progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The study identifies four SDGs that stood out with significant impacts from the pandemic. We offer valuable and transferable insights for policymakers and stakeholders involved in pandemic recovery and sustainable development efforts.
The future of workplaces now includes ‘remote’ for many, which has many health benefits. The future of ‘the office’ needs to evolve too and bringing more nature into the workplace is a healthy place to start.
There are so many neighbourhood-level drivers that impact our health that making sense of all the data can be difficult. This tool helps us understand
We compared cross-city differences in the walking environment in Madrid and Philadelphia as a case study